Saturday, November 30, 2019

Public Controversy on Bio-ethics Essay Example

Public Controversy on Bio-ethics Paper Bioethics can be referred to as a field of study that is philosophical, and addresses the ethical arguments as a result of advances in biology and medicine. (Jonsen et al, 1998). The ethical questions that are addressed by the bio ethicists are used in relation among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, philosophy, and theology (James, 2001). The interdisciplinary field of bioethics was jump-started by the Nuremberg Code. This code was set up in order to set standards for judging physicians and scientists (McGee et al 2003). These physicians and scientists were the one who had worked in concentration camp conducting biomedical experiments on the prisoners. The basic ethical principles that should rule biomedical and behavioural research on human subjects have been suggested to be drafted down. Guide lines that will ensure human rights and respect are upheld should also be included. The rules and guidelines also assist in resolving the ethical problems that surround research conducted on the human subjects. Principles that need to be addressed by the guidelines are: Justice, Beneficence and Respect for autonomy for the person. Public health and health policy challenges and advancement in biotechnology has resulted to a fast-growing academic and professional area of inquiry in bioethics. Degree programs are currently being offered in various education institutions that do specialize in bioethics. The proper scope in bioethics is not certain. While some people feel that ethical evaluation of questions that revolve around biology and medicine should be narrowed down to the morality of medial treatments or technological advances, others feel different. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Controversy on Bio-ethics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Public Controversy on Bio-ethics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Public Controversy on Bio-ethics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The other groups are of the view that ethical evaluation should include morality of all actions that might help or harm organisms that can feel fear and pain. In addition, all such actions should be included in bioethics. This is because they may bear a relation to medicine and biology. The purpose of bio ethicists is to put to work the huge body of research and history of discussions about bioethics in a manner that is fair, honest and intelligent. Future social, ethical and economic implications. Bioethics as a field was as a result of public attention to ethical questions related to abuses of human subjects in biomedical experiments,www. eubios. info/betext. htm . Bioethics as a field of study is said to be an appropriate way of ensuring human rights and morals are incorporated into the medicine and biological experiments. In this research paper, the issue of Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) will be discussed. The use of genetically modified organisms has raised public disagreement on whether the organisms should be produced for human consumption or not. The positive perspective of genetic organisms will first be discussed, and negative effects also. Both sides expose the controversy that surrounds this issue. Genetically Modified Food Organisms. (GMOs). Discussion There are various issues that comprise bioethical research analysis. Genetically modified organisms include one of the issues that have raised controversy in the biomedical field. The argument is between the advantages and negative effects of these foods. Part of the global community view GMOs as a benefit to human survival while others see the organisms as unhealthy and having adverse effects on people, animals and the environment in general. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) can be said to be organisms that’s through genetic engineering techniques, their genetic material or make-up is altered (Anderson K. 2005). The recombinant DNA technology is used in alteration of the genetic make-up. In this technology, the DNA molecules from the different sources are combined in vitro. This combination forms one molecule that is then used to create a new gene. The DNA is then followed by its transfer into an organism. The modified traits are then expressed in an organism. Examples of GMOs include transgenic plants and microbes for example e. g. bacteria (Cohen et al, 1973). Genetically modified organisms have increased production in the agriculture sector and reduced the costs that may be incurred during the production. This is because, there is reduced costs in chemical and mechanical needs during planting, maintenance and harvesting of the agricultural products, (Smith et al, 2000). The savings from costs that might have been incurred can be used to implement programs that can benefit the consumers. The government can therefore, spend less in the cost of production in agriculture if the foods were genetically engineered as compared to the organically produced foods. www. dartmouth. edu-biomed/resources. htmld/bioethics. shtml. Genetically modified organisms require minimal use of chemicals and labour to enhance maximum production. These organisms also result to the production of foods that are more nutritious. This means that the nutritional value of the natural foods can be increased by producing GMOs . A good example is ‘Golden Rice’ which contains beta-carotene, Vitamin A and Iron. The GMOs due to their increased nutritional value helps in preventing and treating nutritional related diseases, for example, anaemia, childhood blindness and Marasmus. Another advantage of genetically modified crops is that the foods have an enhanced taste and quality as compared to the natural crops. This is because the crops genes have been modified to improve its quality. Genes from two crops are combined to form a better quality crop. The characteristics that enhance resistance against diseases, adverse weather conditions, pests, and maximum yields in both crops result to an even better crop, www. sciencemag. org/feature/plus/sfg/education/index. dtl. The crops that have been genetically engineered have a reduced maturation time. Some crops have been known to take a very long time before they are ready to be harvested. Decreasing the maturation period increases the crop yield per given piece of land. The crops susceptibility to diseases and pests that occur as a result of long periods of crop in the field is reduced. This increases the rate of production of the crop over a given area of land. The high production is able to supply the world markets in order to satisfy the needs of the people. GMOs violate the ethics that require protection and conservation of both the plants and animal diversity. All organisms or species that exist in nature have their intrinsic values. This value allows plants or animals to exist without being interfered with. They all have a right to life and no one has the right to manipulate them. Gene engineering of these natural organisms denies them the right to exist in their original form. This results to gene loss or reduction of genetic diversity. The GMOs have an increased stress tolerance. Crop stress can be as a result of diseases, pests and unfavourable weather conditions. For example the crops are disease resistant. The crop field is protected from the diseases that are likely to attack it. Due to their disease resistant condition, the quality and nutritional value of the food crop is guaranteed. The hybrid species of crops that are produced as a result of genetic engineering offer a much higher quality crop. There is no reduction in production that may result due to the crop diseases, (Smith et al, 2003). In addition some food crops have been engineered to produce human vaccines against infections diseases. Many human diseases and infections are either incurable or curable. Some incurable human diseases can be prevented by consumption of genetically modified foods. The vaccines boost the human body immune system against the diseases. For example banana species produce a human vaccine against hepatitis. The crops are also resistant to pests that can damage crops to lower the production and its product quality. Some pests may also act as disease vectors of human or animal diseases. Some human diseases can be contagious and that can cause deaths of a large number of people. Foods containing medicinal components assist in providing better health to the people. The GMOs give a chance to the introduction of new products and growing techniques. The GMOs produce toxic substances to the humans. Natural foods contain toxic components that do not cause adverse health effects. Introduction of new genes in a pant trigger production of toxins at high levels and also interferes with a metabolic pathway. This causes a stressed plant to produce more toxins in response to this. For example potatoes bred for increased disease resistance have produced high levels of glycoalkaloids (GEO-PIE Website). These toxins may cause poisoning or diseases in the human body, (Murphy et al, 2004). In animals, the gene technology has led to the introduction of animal species that are resistant to diseases. For example, a cow has been introduced; that is resistant to the mad cow disease (James, 2001). This prevents outbreak of such infectious diseases, which may even be transmitted to the human beings. Animal productivity can be increased its resistant to harsh unfavourable conditions. The animal also acquires an efficient feeding method. Animal diagnostic methods are improved through gene engineering. This ensures diseases can be easily diagnosed and the required treatment administered on time. Genes from different species are mixed in order to form a GMO. This means that the genetic make up is interfered with. Genes that enhance the survival of threat organism may be interfered with. Disease-resistance and stress-tolerance in the organism may be reduced. This makes the organism’s vulnerability to diseases and stress to increase. An outbreak of disease may completely wipe out an entire population due to reduced resistance. Genes tampering may also decrease the survival rate in a species due to its reduced ability to adapt to adverse weather and environmental changes. Other changes may include; behavioural change and low reproductive rate (low survival rate of the offspring). GMOs cause stress to the animals and plants. This is due to the increased human disturbance to the organism. The organism is exposed to so many changes at the same time genetic changes, behavioural changes The environment in which a person lives is very important and needs to be protected from pollution or exposure to overexploitation. Bio-herbicides and bio insecticides have been developed. These chemicals are environment friendly and help in preventing pollution of the environment. Environmental pollution contributes a lot in environment deterioration, diseases increase (in humans, animals and plants) and affects water resources and other natural resources. Environmental pollution has encouraged global warming that has in turn resulted to natural disasters (floods, famine and drought, and hurricanes). These natural disasters cause intense damage to property, transport systems and death. Use of bio-herbicides and insecticides reduce the effects that contribute to disasters that are environmentally related. These chemicals reduce the dangerous effects of chemicals that have been used in the past; non-friendly to the environment. The chemicals can be absorbed in the human environment without causing hazards. Biotechnology as a technique is applied in conservation of soil, water and energy. These resources support the entire human population survival . The resources exploitation or destruction may put to risk the human survival. Both humans and animals depend on the plant resources for their food. Minerals that are extracted from the natural environment are used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce drugs. Others are used to build residential and working facilities. Therefore, people need to protect these resources from over-exploitation and instead promote sustainable use of the resources. In the mission to protect the environment people are inventing measures that will ensure sustainable utilization of the resources. As above stated, chemicals that are genetically produced is environmental -friendly. This ensures that they do not change or affect the soil structure and its fertility. Wild animals are protected from poisoning through the use of non-environmental friendly chemicals on the natural environment. Water sources are protected from poisoning. Both plants and animals in the wild utilize water and poisoning of this water will adversely affect the aquatic organisms that live in the water resources www. gwu. edu/-guides/arts/philosophy. html. The GMOs on the other hand have negative effects on people, environment and safety, also local and global effects. The organism make up of an organism assists a person in resisting diseases in the body system. The GMOs may cause allergies in individuals due to the interference of the genetic composition. The antibiotic resistance markers in the body are transferred reducing the resistance of that person against the disease causing organisms . The environment is exposed to chemicals that in turn affect the natural cycle of the environment. Genetically modified plants may harbour disease vectors that may affect the animals. Allergies introduce other health complications to both humans and animals. Organisms that may be exposed to negative effects of use of GMOs become more susceptible to diseases (www. -sul. Stanford. edu/guides/bietics. html). . Better waste management has been developed as a result of genetically modified organisms. Wastes require to be disposed in the best way possible that does not pose danger to the people or the environment itself. Products those are less harmful to the people if disposed guarantee a community safe waste management. Any waste that is disposed in the environment requires being biodegradable and causing minimal effects to the environment. The waste is easily absorbed in the existing environment without threatening humans and animals, as well as the plant life. There is more efficient processing of products and bio processing of forestry products (Bioethics. georgetown. edu/publications/scopenotes/sn38. htm). In human societies, genetically modified organisms have increased food security for the growing populations worldwide. The food production is increased through huge harvests. Increased yields enable a country to satisfy the nutritional needs of its people . In addition more food can be stored for future use. This guarantees the people of enough food even in cases of unfavourable weather conditions (drought, floods) that may reduce the crop production. A good harvest is as a result of early maturity, disease-tolerant crops, pest resistant crops and their ability to adapt to the adverse weather conditions. The crops are more stress-tolerant and will survive in changing environments. Animal products that supplement human diet can also be produced in high amounts as a result of increased resistance to diseases, increased hardiness and feeding efficiency as well as improved diagnostic methods. Animal products provide food source that supplement the crop products. Increasing human populations have necessitated increase in animal products to satisfy the ever-increasing human needs. Genetically produced animal organisms will also increase in production and their products also easily available to the people. Increased food security prevents scarcity of food even in the events of droughts or floods. The global environment is threatened by the use of genetically modified organisms. Both plants and animal populations have been affected. In a natural environment, conservation of gene diversity is very crucial. Disappearance of a species causes reduction in the genetic diversity. The process of evolution and natural selection favour the survival of organisms with the best genes. Genetic engineering may result to the change of genes that are important for an organism to survive. A species changed wiping out of that species through natural selection. These organisms can therefore be said to threaten survival of some species for example, unintended transfer of transgenes through cross-pollination, effects on soil microbes, and loss of flora and fauna diversity. These changes in turn affect the natural cycle in the environment www. questia. com/Ethics-in-education. To the humans, the genetically modified foods are said to cause health problems. Since they are genetically engineered, the animal and crop products threaten the safety of the person consuming the product. The threats posed by the genetically modified foods vary according to the organism type being modified and the intended application of the modified organism. Products that can enter the human food supply are primary causes of problems in the human health. The GMOs are potential causal factors of food allergies. The allergic reactions result when a normally harmless protein stimulates an immune response after it enters the body, (Bernstein et al, 2003). The allergic response is activated b an introduction of a new gene in the human body, which is from a source with allergic components. The source may also be new to the human body system. This increases allergic reactions possibility. Compared to its traditional counterpart, genetically engineered plant may have decreased nutritional value. This is because a GMO is said to make nutrients in that plant to become unavailable or indigestible to the people. For example, a study conducted showed a strain of genetically modified soybean produce phytoestrogen compound levels. The phytoestrogen compounds in the soybean are believed to protect against heart diseases and cancer. This is as compared to the traditional strain of the soybean. (Bakshi, 2003). Both humans and animals have bacteria that live in the body system. These bacteria have very vital roles in the body. Genetically modified foods consumed may cause these bacteria to pick up antibiotic resistance gene before the complete digestion of the DNA. This results to the antibiotic resistance in the body systems (GEO-PIE website). In terms of access and intellectual property, genetically modified foods causes few companies to dominate world food production. The technology that is applied in gene engineering is very expensive and not easy to acquire. Therefore, only few companies have the knowledge and technical know-how to produce the organisms. This will result to monopolization of the market by these few companies. Reduction in competition will cause the price of these foods to go up. This will in turn deny food to the poor or those who cannot afford these productswww. healthsystem. virginia. edu/internet/bio-ethics/bibliographylombardo. cfm. The developing countries dependency on industrialized countries will increase. Dependency of developing countries on the developed country violates their rights to conduct their government affairs independently. The countries sometimes are blackmailed into accepting political stands that compromise the welfare of their citizens. Laws and policies that should be developed in the country, address more issues that benefit the developed countries, rather than their own country (Jonathan et al, 2006). The process of developing the genetically modified organisms involves the foreign exploitation of natural resources. This is referred to as biopiracy. (Muse. jhu. edu/journals/kennedy-institute-of ethics-journal). This is whereby foreign firms or companies exploit natural resources that belong to others without their authority and recognization. Some companies have been said to exploit resources from the indigenous communities and patenting them as their own. This can be viewed as undermining of natural resources by people who do not own them (Khushf et al, 2004). The genetic engineering advances are thought to direct interests of rich countries. The rich countries gain economically by supplying GMOS to the global market, while the poor developed countries loose. Developing countries lack the technological know how in producing genetically modified organisms. If the organisms were to be introduced in the developing countries, it would be very expensive for the country or its citizens to afford the products www. bu. edu/library/guides/biethics. html. In my own view, genetically modified foods should not be introduced in the market due to the adverse effects they can cause to people, environment and society, (Glad et al, 2008). These effects cannot be ignored due to the further complications they cause to humans, animals and the overall environment. Their advantages can be equited to the negative effects they cause. The organisms should be developed without causing the harm they have caused in the past, if they are to be introduced for everyone to consume. Though these organisms do assist in solving food problems, other methods of ensuring maximum food production without posing threats should be applied. Research in the medical field, through biotechnology has helped in manufacturing of more effective drugs by pharmaceutical companies. Minimizing negative effects that may result should develop these drugs. The organisms’ benefits should be enjoyed without at the same time becoming a hazard. Conclusion Genetically modified organisms are diverse and are beneficial to the humans, animals and plants. Their benefits to human, animals and the environment are benefits to be appreciated Humans can have enough food, diseases can be prevented and the environment protected from exploitation. GMOs definitely contribute to the well being of life on earth in various ways. However they also have their negative side to life on earth. Diseases and infections have been encouraged by the organisms, environmental pollution and poisoning of human, animals and plant life. In future the testing of the Genetically Modified Organisms will be very important to ensure that the benefits outweigh the demerits and costs of development. This is the only way that the moral and ethics of life on earth will be propagated. Genetically Modified Organisms that may be introduced should be acceptable if the benefits people acquire from them are so important and many their negative effects can be comfortably sidelined. References Anderson . K and Lee Ann Jackson . 2005. Some Implications of GM food Technology policies for Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Economies Bakshi 2003. Genetically modified organisms; harmful effects Bernstein et al, 2003 Cohen, S. Chang, A. Boyerit. Helling R. 1973. Construction of Biologically Functional Bacterial Plasmids in Vitro. Glad, John. 2008. Future Human Evolution; Eugenis in the Twenty-First Century: Hermitage Press. James 2001. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford, New York; Oxford University Press Jonsen, Albert; Veatch, Robert Walters, Leroy (1998). Source Book in Bioethics, Washington; Georgetown University Press. Jonathan, Baron. 2006. Against Bio-ethics. Khushf, Tom(ed) 2004. Handbook of Bio-ethics; Taking Stock of the Field from a Philosophical Perspective. McGee, Glenn (2003). Pragmatic Bioethics, Cambridge Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. Murphy, Timothy. 2004. Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics. The MIT Press. Smith, Nick. April 13, 2000. â€Å"Seeds of opportunity† An assessment of the Benefits, safety and oversight of plant Genomics and Agriculture Biotechnology. www. eubios. info/betext. htm www. dartmouth. edu-biomed/resources. htmld/bioethics. shtml www. sciencemag. org/feature/plus/sfg/education/index. dtl Bioethics. georgetown. edu/publications/scopenotes/sn38. htm www. questia. com/Ethics-in-education www. healthsystem. virginia. edu/internet/bio-ethics/bibliographylombardo. cfm www. bu. edu/library/guides/biethics. html www. gwu. edu/-guides/arts/philosophy. html Muse. jhu. edu/journals/kennedy-institute-of ethics-journal www. -sul. Stanford. edu/guides/bietics. html

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