Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Cold War And The Soviet War - 845 Words

The reason the Cold War was called the Cold War is because there were no physical battles with weapons, tanks, or even artillery, it was a war between capitalism vs. communism, democracy vs. dictatorship. This War actually started when Stalin of the USSR had a conference during the end of WWII who promised the American president, FDR, that he would allow there to be elections, democratic elections, in the Eastern part of Europe which had the soviet dominance. But in the year of 1945, in the Potsdam conference, after the death of FDR, and during Truman s presidency, Stalin drew back on the promises he had previously made which means that he would not allow the elections to occur. As years went on, tensions grew, forcing the relationship between USSR (Soviet Russia) and USA to worsen. One of the best examples of this is during the year of 1949, when China adopted the ideology of communism. The year 1949, was also the time when Soviet Union tested their first atomic bomb, equaling the A mericas monopoly on nuclear war. United States never got a break during the Cold War. During the 50 s and 60 s stress levels heightened to a new level. The Berlin Wall and the U-2 crisis nearly caused a World War III, and Cuba turning communist forced America to believe they were not trying hard enough to win the war. If it s not a win for America, then it will always be a loss. This is when President Truman was enforcing his ideas in winning this war. To the new administration of HarryShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War And The Soviet War911 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cold War began at the resolution of WWII and continued into the 1990’s. The Cold War was fueled by many factors such as ideological differences, mutual mistrust, America’s fear of the spread of communism, and nuclear weapons. The war ultimately resulted in the collapse of communism. 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