Friday, March 20, 2020

Knowledge Essays (681 words) - Scientific Method, Free Essays

Knowledge Essays (681 words) - Scientific Method, Free Essays Knowledge is good for human being because I can use it to make anything to support my live better. However, knowledge is nothing to compare to imagination in human society. Imagination is used when I am curious about a problem, and I want to know and to understand how it happens. After I understand it, I put all its information into knowledge that can be easily understood for other people. If I put a condition or a rule into the imagination of a phenomenon, I have a hypothesis that guilds me understand the phenomenon deeply. A hypothesis is the first step to invest a phenomenon. A hypothesis helps me to focus on one path when I invest a phenomenon. During an investigation, I will discover many unexpected events that could distract my thoughts about my first goal, and I will waste more time. For example, my friend and I have a race to see who is first at home from our school, and he walks to home while I use a bike. The result is he wins. In my thoughts, walking cant be faster than a bike because I know the road well, so I want to know how he did it. I see three paths that are new roads in front of me when I walk to home, and I need to decide which path I go. On the chosen road, I see a walking path and a bike path, and there are many bikes to use if I chose bike path. If I use bike, I change the tool to go home from feet to bike, and it changes the purpose when I walk to home, so I keep walking. There is a new shortcut that is easy for walking to go straight to my house from the road, and it takes a long time if I use a bike. The hypothesis I make at the beginning is walk to home to see if its faster than a bike, and I prepared myself to have a solution for walking problems. Moreover, a hypothesis helps me to prepare many solutions if there is a problem in an investigation. To have a hypothesis in an investigation, I need to assume the problem behavior is similar to other problems I faced, so I can prepare better solutions. Back to the home walking example, I planned to walk home and chose one of three paths, so I need to make sure my safety because of the new path. During the time, I could observe the new environment to update my information. I guess my friend uses a shortcut to be faster than me, so I watch carefully around me and find one. That shortcut has a high rock wall that is hard to get through by a bike, but its easy for feet. If I dont have any hypothesis how my friend does it, I cant find the shortcut by observing everything on my path. In addition, a hypothesis helps an investor to have different views about a phenomenon. With different views, the investor can understand phenomenon more clearly and get a better picture about it. Back to my walking home example, I can see a shortcut easily because I assume there is one. However, if there isnt any shortcut, so I need to think any possible ways, such as the shortcut could be replaced by a very high wall or my friend goes through a house by back door. For each view, I need to examine to find an accepted solution how my friend can walk to home fast while I ride a bike. Indeed, a hypothesis gives an investor a first step of research, good preparations for investigations problems, and good views to understand a phenomenon deeply. A hypothesis could make a strange thought, but it could make an unexpected result that an investor tries to find. However, the investor needs to have a testable hypothesis rather than a fancy one. When the investor can prove his testable hypothesis, he has one step to get close to the phenomenons fact.

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